
Comments in HTML

Hello there! In this lesson, we'll be exploring comments in HTML - a feature that allows you to include notes, explanations, or instructions in your HTML code. Comments are ignored by web browsers, meaning they won't be displayed on the web page itself. Comments are useful for providing additional information, documenting your code, or temporarily disabling certain parts of your code during development or testing. Let's dive into the world of comments in HTML and learn how to use them effectively.

What Are Comments in HTML?

Comments in HTML are special constructs that allow you to include notes, explanations, or instructions within your HTML code. Comments are denoted by specific delimiters, and they are not rendered or displayed on the web page. Comments are primarily intended for providing information or instructions to other developers who may work on the code.

Creating Comments in HTML

Comments in HTML are created using special delimiters that indicate the beginning and end of the comment. Here's the basic structure of an HTML comment:

<!-- This is a comment -->

In the code above, the <!-- marks the start of the comment, and the -->marks the end of the comment. Anything within these delimiters is considered a comment and will be ignored by web browsers.

Using Comments in HTML

Comments in HTML can be used for various purposes:

Examples of Comments in HTML

Here are some examples of using comments in HTML:

Best Practices for Comments in HTML

Practice Time!

Now, let's put your knowledge into practice! Open your code editor and create a new HTML file. Experiment with adding comments, documenting your HTML code, or temporarily disabling certain parts. Here's a simple exercise to get you started:

  1. Create a new HTML file and save it as "comments.html" in your workspace folder.
  2. Add a comment to provide an explanation for a section of your HTML code. For example,
    <!-- This section displays the navigation menu -->.
  3. Try using comments to temporarily disable certain parts of your HTML code during development or testing. For instance,
    <!-- This feature is under development and will be enabled soon -->.


In this lesson, we've explored comments in HTML, including their purpose, usage, and best practices. Comments are a valuable tool for providing additional information, documenting your code, or temporarily disabling certain parts. Remember to use comments wisely, keep them concise and relevant, and always consider the audience who may read and benefit from your comments. In the next lesson, we'll continue our journey by exploring the Structure of an HTML Document. Stay tuned, and happy coding!