
The Favicon in HTML

Hello there! In this lesson, we'll be exploring the world of favicons - those small yet powerful icons that represent your website or web application. Favicons are an essential part of your website's branding and user experience, and they play a crucial role in helping users identify and recognize your website. Let's dive into the world of favicons and learn how to create and add them to your HTML documents.

What Is a Favicon?

A favicon (short for "favorites icon") is a small icon associated with a website or web application. It is displayed in several places within a web browser, including the address bar, bookmarks, and tabs. Favicons provide a visual identifier for your website, making it easier for users to recognize and locate your website among their bookmarks or open tabs.

Why Are Favicons Important?

Favicons serve multiple important purposes:

Creating and Adding a Favicon to Your HTML Document

To create and add a favicon to your HTML document, follow these steps:

  1. Design the Favicon: Create a small, recognizable icon that represents your brand or website. Favicons are typically square-shaped and have dimensions of 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels. You can use image editing software or online tools to design your favicon.
  2. Save the Favicon: Save your favicon image in a common image format such as ICO, PNG, or GIF. It's recommended to use ICO format for cross-browser compatibility. Save the favicon in the root directory of your website, typically alongside your HTML files.
  3. Link the Favicon: In your HTML document, add a<link> element within the <head> section to link your favicon image. Here's an example:
      <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">

Best Practices for Favicons

Practice Time!

Now, let's put your knowledge into practice! Open your code editor and create a new HTML file. Experiment with creating and adding a favicon to your HTML document. Here's a simple exercise to get you started:

  1. Create a new HTML file and save it as "favicon.html" in your workspace folder.
  2. Design or choose an image that represents your brand or website. Save it as "favicon.ico" in the root directory of your website.
  3. Add a <link> element within the <head> section of your HTML document to link your favicon image.
  4. Test your HTML document in a web browser to see the favicon displayed in the address bar, bookmarks, or tabs. Try opening multiple tabs to see how the favicon helps identify your website.


In this lesson, we've explored the importance of favicons and how to create and add them to your HTML documents. Favicons play a crucial role in brand recognition, user experience, and website navigation. Remember to use recognizable and unique icons, keep the size small, and test your favicon across different browsers and devices. In the next lesson, we'll continue our journey by exploring Drop down menus in HTML. Stay tuned, and happy coding!