
Text Formatting in HTML

Hello there! In this lesson, we'll be exploring the wonderful world of text formatting in HTML. Text formatting allows you to emphasize, highlight, and style your text in various ways, making your content more engaging and visually appealing. Let's dive right in and learn about the different text formatting options available in HTML.

Basic Text Formatting Tags

HTML provides several tags that you can use to format text within your paragraphs, headings, or other elements. Here are some of the most commonly used text formatting tags:

  This is a paragraph with <strong>bold</strong>,
  <em>italic</em>, <u>underlined</u>,
  <mark>highlighted</mark>, <del>deleted</del>,
  and <ins>inserted</ins> text.

Using the <sup> and <sub> Tags

The <sup> and <sub> tags are used for superscript and subscript text, respectively. Superscript text appears slightly above the baseline, while subscript text appears slightly below it. These tags are commonly used for footnotes, mathematical expressions, or scientific notations. Here's an example:

The temperature is 30<sup>o</sup>C.
The formula is H<sub>2</sub>O.

In the above code, "30o" will be displayed as superscript, and "2" will be displayed as subscript.

Using the <abbr> Tag

The <abbr> tag is used to create abbreviations or acronyms. It provides a way to define the full form or meaning of the abbreviation. When users hover over the abbreviated text, they can see the full form in a tooltip. Here's an example:

The <abbr title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr> is a global information system.

In this example, hovering over "WWW" will display "World Wide Web" as a tooltip.

Best Practices for Text Formatting

Practice Time!

Now it's time to put your knowledge into practice! Open your code editor and create a new HTML file. Experiment with the different text formatting tags and try creating content with various formatting options. Here's a simple exercise to get you started:

  1. Create a new HTML file and save it as "text-formatting.html" in your workspace folder.
  2. Add a paragraph to your HTML file and format certain words or phrases using bold, italics, underlines, and other text formatting options. For example,
     <p>This is an <strong>important</strong>
  3. Try using the <sup> and <sub> tags for superscript and subscript text. For instance,
    <p>The formula is
  4. View your HTML file in the browser and observe how the text formatting affects the appearance and readability of your content.


In this lesson, we've explored the various text formatting options available in HTML. Text formatting allows you to emphasize, highlight, and style your text in different ways. Remember to use text formatting wisely, follow best practices, and always consider the readability of your content. In the next lesson, we'll move on to lists and learn how to present information in a structured and organized manner. Stay tuned, and happy coding!