
Comments in JavaScript

Just like how we use comments in our daily lives to explain things or leave notes, JavaScript allows us to add comments to our code. Comments are lines of text that are ignored by the computer when the code runs. They act like hidden messages for you or other programmers who might read your code in the future.

Why Use Comments?

There are many reasons why comments are essential for good JavaScript code:

Types of Comments in JavaScript:

JavaScript offers two main ways to add comments:

Single-line Comments:


// This is a single-line comment explaining the code below
let message = "Hello, world!";

Multi-line Comments:


/* This is a multi-line comment 
that can explain complex parts of your code
or even write multiple paragraphs */
let age = 25;

Comment Generously: Don't be afraid to add comments throughout your code, especially for complex logic or non-obvious parts.

Explain the Why: Focus on explaining the purpose of your code and the reasoning behind your decisions.

Keep it Clear and Concise: Avoid overly complex or lengthy comments. Strive for clear and simple explanations.

Use Consistent Style: Develop a consistent commenting style for your code, making it easier to read and maintain.

Remember: Comments are for humans, not computers. Write them in a way that is easy to understand for anyone reading your code.