
Objects in JavaScript


In JavaScript, an object is a way to store a collection of data. An object groups related data and functions together, making it easier to manage and use them. Imagine an object like a real-world thing, such as a car. A car has different features, like its color, model, and year. Similarly, in JavaScript, an object can have different properties.

Think of an object as a box (the object) where you can keep different items (properties). Each item has a name (key) and a value. For example, a box might have a label that says "Car Color" and inside it, you have a value like "Red."

Creating Objects

You create an object using curly braces {} and inside the braces, you list the properties with their values. Here's a simple example:

const car = {
make: 'Toyota',  // This is a property with key 'make' and value 'Toyota'
model: 'Corolla', // This is a property with key 'model' and value 'Corolla'
year: 2020,       // This is a property with key 'year' and value 2020
color: 'red'      // This is a property with key 'color' and value 'red'

In this example, the object car has four properties: make, model, year, and color.

Accessing Object Properties

You can get the values of properties in an object in two ways: using dot notation or bracket notation.

Dot Notation

Dot notation is simple and direct. You use a dot . followed by the property name. For example:

const carMake = car.make; // Access the 'make' property of the 'car' object
console.log(carMake);     // Output: Toyota

Here, car.make retrieves the value of the make property from the car object.

Bracket Notation

Bracket notation is useful when property names are dynamic or contain special characters. You use square brackets [] with the property name as a string. For example:

const carColor = car['color']; // Access the 'color' property using bracket notation
console.log(carColor);        // Output: red

You can also use a variable to access a property:

const property = 'model'; // Define a variable with the property name
const carModel = car[property]; // Access the 'model' property using the variable
console.log(carModel); // Output: Corolla

Modifying Object Properties

You can change the value of a property in an object using dot notation or bracket notation. Here’s how:

car.color = 'blue';  // Change the 'color' property to 'blue'
console.log(car.color); // Output: blue

car['year'] = 2021;  // Change the 'year' property to 2021
console.log(car.year); // Output: 2021

In these examples, we updated the values of the color and year properties in the car object.

Adding New Properties

You can also add new properties to an object. Use dot notation or bracket notation to add properties like this:

car.owner = 'John Doe'; // Add a new property 'owner'
console.log(car.owner); // Output: John Doe

car['registration'] = 'ABC123'; // Add a new property 'registration'
console.log(car.registration); // Output: ABC123

In these examples, we added owner and registration properties to the car object.

Removing Properties

To remove a property from an object, use the delete operator. Here's how:

delete car.owner; // Remove the 'owner' property
console.log(car.owner); // Output: undefined

delete car['registration']; // Remove the 'registration' property
console.log(car.registration); // Output: undefined

These examples show how to delete properties from the car object.

Checking for Property Existence

To check if a property exists in an object, use the in operator or the hasOwnProperty() method.

in Operator

console.log('make' in car); // Output: true
console.log('owner' in car); // Output: false

The in operator returns true if the property exists in the object, and false otherwise.

hasOwnProperty() Method

console.log(car.hasOwnProperty('model')); // Output: true
console.log(car.hasOwnProperty('owner')); // Output: false

The hasOwnProperty() method checks if the object has a property with the specified name. It returns true if it does, and false otherwise.

Iterating Over Object Properties

To go through each property in an object, you can use a loop. This loop allows you to access each property name and its value. Here’s an example:

for (let key in car) {
console.log(key + ': ' + car[key]); // Log each property name and value

The loop iterates over each property in the car object and logs the property name (key) and its value.

Combining Objects

Sometimes you might want to combine properties from two objects. You can do this using the Object.assign() method or the spread operator ....

Object.assign() Method

The Object.assign() method copies properties from one or more source objects to a target object. Here’s an example:

const carDetails = {
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Corolla'

const carSpecs = {
year: 2020,
color: 'red'

const combinedCar = Object.assign({}, carDetails, carSpecs);
// Output: { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2020, color: 'red' }

In this example, Object.assign() combines the properties from carDetails and carSpecs into a new object combinedCar.

Spread Operator

The spread operator ... allows you to create a new object by copying properties from existing objects. Here’s how:

const carDetails = {
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Corolla'

const carSpecs = {
year: 2020,
color: 'red'

const combinedCar = { ...carDetails, ...carSpecs };
// Output: { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2020, color: 'red' }

The spread operator copies all properties from carDetails and carSpecs into the new object combinedCar.


Objects in JavaScript are powerful tools for managing and organizing data. By understanding how to create, access, modify, and combine objects, you can handle complex data more effectively in your applications.