
Function Parameters and Arguments

Welcome back! In our last lesson, we learned about functions and how they help us organize and reuse our code. Now, let's take a closer look at a special part of functions: parameters and arguments.

What are Parameters?

Imagine you have a toy robot that can walk forward. But what if you want the robot to walk a specific number of steps each time? You can teach the robot to take the number of steps as an input. This input is like a parameter in a function.

In JavaScript, parameters are special variables that we include in our function definitions. They act as placeholders for the values (or inputs) that we will pass to the function when we call it.

function walkForward(steps) {
  console.log('The robot walks ' + steps + ' steps forward.');

In this example, steps is a parameter. It acts as a placeholder for the number of steps the robot will take.

What are Arguments?

When we call a function, we need to provide actual values for the parameters. These values are called arguments. Think of arguments as the real instructions you give to the robot.

Let's call the walkForward function and provide an argument:

walkForward(5); // Output: The robot walks 5 steps forward.

Here, 5 is the argument we pass to the walkForward function. The function uses this argument to replace the steps parameter and prints "The robot walks 5 steps forward."

Why Use Parameters and Arguments?

Parameters and arguments make functions more flexible and powerful. They allow us to use the same function for different inputs. Instead of creating a new function for each number of steps, we can use one function and simply change the argument.

Let's see another example where we use parameters and arguments to greet different users:

function greetUser(name) {
  console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');

greetUser('Alice'); // Output: Hello, Alice!
greetUser('Bob');   // Output: Hello, Bob!

In this example, name is a parameter in the greetUser function. When we call the function with different arguments like 'Alice' and 'Bob', it prints personalized greetings.

Using Multiple Parameters

Functions can have more than one parameter. For example, let's teach our robot to walk a specific number of steps and also turn in a specific direction:

function walkAndTurn(steps, direction) {
  console.log('The robot walks ' + steps + ' steps and turns ' + direction + '.');

walkAndTurn(10, 'left'); // Output: The robot walks 10 steps and turns left.
walkAndTurn(5, 'right'); // Output: The robot walks 5 steps and turns right.

In this example, steps and direction are parameters. When we call the walkAndTurn function, we provide two arguments to specify the number of steps and the direction the robot should turn.


Parameters and arguments make functions incredibly powerful. By using parameters, we can create flexible functions that work with different inputs. Arguments allow us to provide these inputs when we call the function.

Remember, defining a function with parameters is like teaching a robot a trick that can take different instructions. Calling the function with arguments is like giving the robot specific instructions to perform the trick.

Practice creating functions with parameters and calling them with different arguments to get comfortable with this essential concept in JavaScript!