
Understanding Prototypes in JavaScript

JavaScript is often described as a prototype-based language. But what does that really mean? In this lesson, we'll break down the concept of prototypes, explain how they work, and use analogies to make the idea clear and relatable.

What Are Prototypes?

A prototype is like a blueprint or a set of instructions that objects in JavaScript can follow. Every object in JavaScript has a prototype, which is another object that the first object can inherit properties and methods from. This allows us to share common functionalities across multiple objects without duplicating code.

Analogy: A Family Tree

Imagine a family tree. You inherit certain traits from your parents, like eye color or hair color. These traits weren’t defined by you but were passed down from your parents. In the same way, an object in JavaScript can inherit properties and methods from its prototype.

Just like in a family tree, where you can trace traits back to your grandparents and beyond, in JavaScript, you can trace properties and methods back through a chain of prototypes, known as the prototype chain.

Prototypes in Action

Let’s see how prototypes work with an example. First, we'll create a simple object:

  const person = {
    name: 'Alice',
    greet() {
      console.log('Hello, my name is ' +;

  person.greet();  // Output: "Hello, my name is Alice"

In this example, person is an object with a property name and a method greet. Now, what if we want to create another object that shares the same greet method but has a different name? We can use prototypes to do this.

Creating a New Object with a Prototype

We can create a new object and link it to the person object using prototypes:

  const anotherPerson = Object.create(person); = 'Bob';

  anotherPerson.greet();  // Output: "Hello, my name is Bob"

Here, we created anotherPerson using Object.create(person). This means that anotherPerson inherits from the person object. Even though we didn’t explicitly define the greet method in anotherPerson, it still has access to it because it’s inheriting from person.

Understanding the Prototype Chain

The prototype chain is like a series of links. When you try to access a property or method on an object, JavaScript first looks at the object itself. If it doesn’t find it there, it moves up the prototype chain to see if the property or method exists in the object’s prototype.

For example, if we try to access a method that doesn’t exist on anotherPerson:

  anotherPerson.sayGoodbye = function() {
    console.log('Goodbye from ' +;

  anotherPerson.sayGoodbye();  // Output: "Goodbye from Bob"

Now anotherPerson has a method called sayGoodbye. If we try to call this method on person, it won't work because it wasn’t defined in the person object or its prototype chain.

Using Prototypes to Share Methods

Prototypes are powerful because they allow us to share methods and properties across multiple objects without having to define them multiple times. This helps keep our code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Example: Creating Multiple Objects with Shared Methods

Let’s say we’re building a game and we want to create multiple player objects. All players should have a greet method, but we don’t want to define it for each player individually. We can use prototypes:

  function Player(name) { = name;

  Player.prototype.greet = function() {
    console.log('Hello, I am player ' +;

  const player1 = new Player('Alice');
  const player2 = new Player('Bob');

  player1.greet();  // Output: "Hello, I am player Alice"
  player2.greet();  // Output: "Hello, I am player Bob"

In this example, we used a constructor function Player to create player objects. We then added the greet method to Player.prototype, so it’s shared across all instances of Player. Both player1 and player2 can access the greet method without it being redefined for each one.

Understanding Object.prototype

All JavaScript objects ultimately inherit from Object.prototype. This is the topmost object in the prototype chain, and it contains common methods like toString() and hasOwnProperty(). When you create a new object, it automatically inherits from Object.prototype unless you explicitly change the prototype chain.

For instance, if you create a simple object:

  const simpleObject = {};
  console.log(simpleObject.toString());  // Output: "[object Object]"

Even though we didn’t define the toString() method in simpleObject, it’s still available because it’s inherited from Object.prototype.

Why Prototypes Matter

Understanding prototypes is crucial because it gives you insight into how JavaScript handles inheritance and how objects share properties and methods. Prototypes allow for more efficient memory usage because methods and properties don’t need to be duplicated across every instance of an object.

Practice: Creating Your Own Prototypes

Try creating your own prototypes by defining a constructor function and adding methods to its prototype. For example, create a Car constructor with properties like make and model, and add methods to Car.prototype for actions like start and stop.

  function Car(make, model) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;

  Car.prototype.start = function() {
    console.log(this.make + ' ' + this.model + ' is starting.');

  const myCar = new Car('Toyota', 'Corolla');
  myCar.start();  // Output: "Toyota Corolla is starting."

By practicing with prototypes, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how inheritance works in JavaScript and how to efficiently manage shared functionality across multiple objects.