
Returning Values from Functions

Welcome back! So far, we've learned about defining and calling functions, as well as using parameters and arguments. Now, let's dive into another important aspect of functions: returning values.

What Does it Mean to Return a Value?

Imagine you have a toy robot that can do various tricks. One of the tricks is to add two numbers together. After the robot adds the numbers, it can give you the result. This is similar to how functions can return values in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, when a function performs a calculation or some other operation, it can send a result back to the place where it was called. This result is called the return value.

Using the return Statement

To return a value from a function, we use the return statement. Let's look at an example where our robot adds two numbers and returns the result:

function addNumbers(a, b) {
  let sum = a + b;
  return sum;

In this example, the function addNumbers takes two parameters, a and b. It calculates their sum and returns the result using the return statement.

Why Return Values?

Returning values from functions makes them more useful because we can use the result in other parts of our code. Let's see how we can use the returned value:

let result = addNumbers(5, 3);
console.log(result); // Output: 8

Here, we call the addNumbers function with arguments 5 and 3. The function returns the sum, which is 8. We store this returned value in the variable result and print it using console.log.

Real-World Analogy

Let's go back to our toy robot analogy. Imagine you have a robot that can measure the length of an object. You ask the robot to measure the length of a toy car, and the robot tells you the length is 10 cm. Here, the robot has performed a task (measuring) and returned a value (10 cm).

In JavaScript, functions can perform tasks and return values in a similar way. The return statement allows a function to send a result back to where it was called.

Returning Different Types of Values

Functions can return different types of values, such as numbers, strings, and even other functions. Let's look at some examples:

function getGreeting(name) {
  return 'Hello, ' + name + '!';

function multiplyNumbers(a, b) {
  return a * b;

function isEven(number) {
  return number % 2 === 0;

console.log(getGreeting('Alice')); // Output: Hello, Alice!
console.log(multiplyNumbers(4, 7)); // Output: 28
console.log(isEven(10)); // Output: true

In these examples, getGreeting returns a string, multiplyNumbers returns a number, and isEven returns a boolean value.


Returning values from functions is a powerful feature that makes our code more flexible and reusable. By using the return statement, we can perform operations in functions and use the results in other parts of our code.

Remember, defining a function with a return value is like teaching a robot to perform a task and give you the result. Calling the function and using the return value allows you to use the result in different parts of your program.

Practice creating functions that return different types of values to get comfortable with this essential concept in JavaScript!