
Throwing and Handling Errors in JavaScript

In the previous section, we learned how the Try/Catch statement helps us handle errors gracefully. Now, let’s dive deeper into how we can throw and handle our own errors in JavaScript. Throwing errors manually gives us more control over how and when an error should occur.

What Does "Throwing an Error" Mean?

When we say we are throwing an error, it means we are intentionally creating an error when something unexpected happens in our code. For example, if a user enters an invalid value or a condition we expect isn't met, we can throw an error to alert the program that something went wrong.

JavaScript will then stop executing the code at the point where the error is thrown and look for a Catch block to handle it. This is where the Try/Catch structure comes in handy because the catch block can take care of what to do when that error happens.

How to Throw an Error

To throw an error in JavaScript, we use the throw keyword followed by the new Error() function. This creates a new error object with a message describing what went wrong. Here's an example:

function checkAge(age) {
  if (age < 0) {
    throw new Error('Age cannot be negative'); // Throwing an error with a custom message
  return 'Valid age: ' + age;

try {
  console.log(checkAge(-5)); // This will throw an error because age is negative
} catch (error) {
  console.log('Error:', error.message); // Handling the error

In this example, the checkAge function checks if the age is a negative number. If it is, we throw an error using throw new Error() with a custom message: "Age cannot be negative". When this happens, the code inside the try block will stop running, and the control moves to the catch block, where the error is handled.

Why Throw Errors?

You might be wondering, why would we throw errors ourselves? Here are some reasons:

By throwing errors where something goes wrong, you ensure that your program doesn't continue running with incorrect data or in an unexpected state. Instead, you can handle the error and take the appropriate action, such as showing an error message to the user or logging the issue for debugging.

Throwing Custom Errors

While JavaScript provides some built-in errors (like TypeError, ReferenceError, etc.), you can throw custom errors by providing your own messages. This makes it easier to understand what went wrong. Here’s an example:

function checkEmail(email) {
  if (!email.includes('@')) {
    throw new Error('Invalid email format'); // Custom error message for invalid email
  return 'Valid email: ' + email;

try {
  console.log(checkEmail('')); // This will throw an error
} catch (error) {
  console.log('Error:', error.message); // Handling the error

In this example, the checkEmail function checks if the email contains an "@" symbol. If not, it throws a custom error: "Invalid email format". The catch block then handles that error by printing the error message.

How to Handle Errors

Once an error is thrown, we need to handle it in the Catch block. Handling errors means deciding what to do when something goes wrong. For example:

Handling Errors in Try/Catch

Let’s see how handling errors works inside a try and catch block. We can use the catch block to do something when an error happens:

try {
  const userInput = '';
  console.log(checkEmail(userInput)); // Throws error
} catch (error) {
  // Handling the error
  console.log('An error occurred:', error.message);
  // You can show a user-friendly message here, like:
  console.log('Please enter a valid email address.');

In this example, if the user enters an invalid email, the catch block will log the error message and provide a user-friendly message like "Please enter a valid email address."

Important Notes About Error Handling


By throwing and handling errors, you gain more control over how your code behaves when something unexpected happens. This ensures that your program doesn’t break down when an error occurs, and you can take the appropriate action to handle it. Whether you are validating user input, making network requests, or debugging your code, throwing and catching errors is a powerful tool to make your JavaScript programs more reliable.