
Deploying Options in React: Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages

Deploying your React application is an exciting step towards making it accessible to users worldwide. Several platforms offer seamless deployment options, each with unique features and benefits. Let's explore how to efficiently deploy your React applications using Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages.

Understanding Deployment Options

Deployment refers to the process of making your application accessible to users on the web. There are various platforms that offer deployment services, each with its own set of features and advantages. Let's dive into the benefits of Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages.

What are Deployment Options?

Deployment options refer to the different platforms and services available for deploying your React application. Each option provides its own set of tools and capabilities, simplifying the process of making your application accessible by handling server setup, scaling, and maintenance.

Why Use Deployment Options?

Deployment options offer several benefits:

Deployment Options: Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages

Let's explore three popular deployment options for React applications:

  1. Netlify: A widely used platform for deploying static sites and web applications, offering features like continuous deployment, serverless functions, and form handling. Netlify also provides a generous free tier for static site hosting.
  2. Vercel: A powerful deployment platform providing features like serverless functions, edge caching, and preview deployments. Vercel also offers a generous free tier for static site hosting.
  3. GitHub Pages: A service provided by GitHub that allows you to host static websites directly from your GitHub repository. It's great for open-source projects, documentation, or personal websites.

Steps to Prepare Your React App for Deployment

Before deploying your React application, you need to build it. Follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Live Server: If your live server is running in VSCode, stop it. This ensures there are no issues while building the project.
  2. Build Your React Application: Open your terminal in VSCode and run the command:
    npm run build
    This command creates a production-ready build of your application, optimized for performance. It compiles your application into static files that can be efficiently served by a web server. The output is stored in a new folder named build in your project directory.
  3. Locate the Build Folder: After running npm run build, a new folder named build will appear in your project directory. This folder contains all the necessary files for deployment, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets. You can think of this folder as a self-contained version of your application, ready to be uploaded to a web server.

Steps to Deploy on Netlify

Here are the steps to deploy your React application on Netlify:

  1. Create a Netlify Account: Go to Netlify and sign up for an account if you don't already have one. You can sign up using your email address or by connecting your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket account. Once signed up, log in to your account.
  2. Drag and Drop the Build Folder: After logging in, go to the "Sites" page and click on "New site from Git." Ignore the options for Git integration. Instead, drag and drop the build folder into the Netlify interface. Netlify will automatically detect your build folder and start the deployment process.
  3. Configure Settings: Netlify will automatically start deploying your site. You can configure additional settings such as custom domains and continuous deployment. Custom domains allow you to use a personalized URL for your site, enhancing its professionalism. Continuous deployment ensures that your site is automatically updated whenever you make changes to your source code.
  4. Access Your Deployed Site: Once the deployment is complete, Netlify will provide a URL for your site. You can access your deployed React application using this URL. You can also customize the URL by configuring a custom domain in the Netlify dashboard.

Steps to Deploy on Vercel

Here are the steps to deploy your React application on Vercel:

  1. Create a Vercel Account: Go to Vercel and sign up for an account if you don't already have one. You can sign up using your email address or by connecting your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket account. Once signed up, log in to your account.
  2. Drag and Drop the Build Folder: After logging in, go to the "Import Project" page. Instead of using Git integration, drag and drop the build folder into the Vercel interface. Vercel will automatically detect your build folder and start the deployment process.
  3. Configure Settings: Vercel will automatically start deploying your site. You can configure additional settings such as custom domains and continuous deployment. Custom domains allow you to use a personalized URL for your site, enhancing its professionalism. Continuous deployment ensures that your site is automatically updated whenever you make changes to your source code.
  4. Access Your Deployed Site: Once the deployment is complete, Vercel will provide a URL for your site. You can access your deployed React application using this URL. You can also customize the URL by configuring a custom domain in the Vercel dashboard.

Steps to Deploy on GitHub Pages

Here are the steps to deploy your React application on GitHub Pages:

  1. Create a GitHub Repository: Go to GitHub and create a new repository for your React project. Name your repository appropriately, as this will be part of the URL for your deployed site. For example, if your GitHub username is username and your repository is named my-react-app, the URL for your deployed site will be
  2. Upload the Build Folder: On the GitHub repository page, click on "Add file" and then "Upload files." Drag and drop the contents of the build folder (not the folder itself, but its contents) into the repository. Commit the changes by providing a commit message and clicking "Commit changes."
  3. Configure GitHub Pages: In your repository settings, scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section. Here, you can select the branch and directory you want to deploy from. Select the main branch and the root directory (where you uploaded the build files). Save the settings.
  4. Access Your Deployed Site: GitHub Pages will automatically build and deploy your site. You can access your site using the provided URL. You can also configure a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site if desired.


Deploying your React application is an important step towards making it accessible to users. By choosing the right deployment option, you can ensure a seamless and scalable deployment process.