
Super Easy Guide to useContext in React for Complete Beginners

Hello, new React friends!

Today we're going to learn about something called useContext. Don't worry, we'll make it super easy to understand!

What is useContext?

Imagine you have a big family, and you want to tell everyone what's for dinner. Instead of going to each family member one by one, wouldn't it be easier to make an announcement that everyone can hear? That's what useContext does in React!

useContext is like a loudspeaker that lets you share information with many parts of your React app at once.

Why do we need useContext?

Let's say you're making a website for your school. You want to show the school's name on every page. Without useContext, you'd have to pass the school name to every single part of your website. With useContext, you can announce the school name once, and every part of your website can hear it!

How to use useContext: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let's learn how to use useContext with a simple example. We'll create a website that shows your school name.

Step 1: Create the loudspeaker (Context)

First, we need to create our loudspeaker. In React, we call this a "Context".

import React from 'react';

// Create our loudspeaker
const SchoolContext = React.createContext();

This creates a special announcer called SchoolContext that will hold our school name.

Step 2: Make the announcement (Provider)

Now that we have our loudspeaker, we need to announce the school name to our app. We do this with a "Provider".

function App() {
// Our school name
const schoolName = "Friendly Neighborhood School";

return (
// Announce our school name to the whole app
<SchoolContext.Provider value={schoolName}>
<Header />
<MainContent />
<Footer />

Here, we're announcing our schoolName to our whole app. Every part of our app can now hear this announcement.

Step 3: Listen to the announcement (useContext)

Now, in any part of our app, we can listen to this announcement and get our school name!

function Header() {
// Listen to the school name announcement
const schoolName = React.useContext(SchoolContext);

return (

In this Header component, we're using useContext to listen for the school name. We can then use this to show the school name in our header.

Let's put it all together!

Here's a small, complete example of how all these pieces work together:

import React from 'react';

// Create our loudspeaker
const SchoolContext = React.createContext();

function App() {
// Our school name
const schoolName = "Friendly Neighborhood School";

return (
// Announce our school name to the whole app
<SchoolContext.Provider value={schoolName}>
<div className="App">
<Header />
<MainContent />
<Footer />

function Header() {
// Listen to the school name announcement
const schoolName = React.useContext(SchoolContext);

return (

function MainContent() {
// We can also listen to the school name here
const schoolName = React.useContext(SchoolContext);

return (
<h2>Welcome to {schoolName}!</h2>
<p>We're glad you're here.</p>

function Footer() {
// And we can listen to it here too!
const schoolName = React.useContext(SchoolContext);

return (
<p>© 2023 {schoolName}. All rights reserved.</p>

export default App;

In this example:

And that's it! Now you can use the school name anywhere in your app without passing it to every component. It's like magic!

Remember, useContext is great for information that many parts of your app need to know about. It helps keep your code simple and easy to understand.

Keep practicing, and you'll be a React pro in no time! 🌟